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This project is intended as only a back-ups redirect page. So, try to bookmark or to note down this page. You might need to come back here one day.

GOOD NEWS: an interview with Dimitri Khalezov regarding the WTC nuclear demolition and 9/11 in general is now available. It contains detailed technical explanations supported by animated graphics and various contemporary 9/11 video clips. You can find download links for this presentation on the Internet by searching for Dimitri Khalezov video in Google.

The main point is that "The Third Truth about 9/11 Foundation" intends to publish several information web-sites and discussion boards that deal with certain highly sensitive topics:

  • the WTC nuclear demolition following September 11 attacks;

  • the WTC-7 demolition (also nuclear) following September 11 attacks;

  • etymology of the "ground zero" term and its true meaning in pre-9/11 dictionaries;

  • basic principles and technical details of thermo-nuclear demolition of skyscrapers in general (both - related to the nuclear demolition scheme of the former World Trade Center in New York and to that of the still standing Sears Tower in Chicago);

  • some other sensitive details of the 9/11 attacks that would unlikely please any authorities;

  • some highly sensitive information related to the so-called "terrorism" in general and to the nuclear terrorism in particular (alias so-called "car-bombings" and "truck-bombings") that definitely contradicts officially approved version of the so-called "terror".



Due to a very high level of sensitivity of the abovementioned information, there would always be a high risk that authorities might remove some of web sites providing such information and to even go as far as to confiscate the very domain names these web sites are associated with. If so happens, you will always be able to find information on new locations of such oppressed web sites on this page. It will be updated accordingly.


Besides, you would be always able to find some information related to the abovementioned subjects by simply searching the Internet using keywords: "9/11thology" or "911thology" - which is the name of our new exact science that aims to describe the 9/11 perpetration in whole, as opposed to various speculative conspiracy theories.


Since there was nothing reported to be removed by authorities yet, this page fortunately did not start serving its main purpose so far.


These 9/11-related Internet projects are either currently available, or will be available soon:


A lot of information about our main research book - "The Third Truth about September 11, or defending the US Government, which has only the first two...", including some of its chapters, plus several revealing photographs and rear video-clips, could be found on this website:


An alternative description of the abovementioned book, along with very comprehensive explanation in regard to nuclear demolition of the WTC could be found here:


A lot of information on our new exact science - "
9/11thology", along with information on recently released the WTC nuclear demolition video presentation, the abovementioned book, answers for frequently asked questions, etc. could be found here (there are also a new 9/11thology Forum located on the same hosting):

http://www.911thology.com        and       http://www.911thology.com/forum

Information on true pre-9/11 meaning of the "ground zero" term could be found here:


Information on principles of nuclear demolition in general (both related to nuclear demolition of the WTC and to nuclear demolition of the Sears Tower) could be found here:



Detailed information on nuclear demolition principles in a form of a former Wikipedia article (now removed by the Wikipedia's "politically correct" watchdogs) could be found here:


Information on details of the New York WTC nuclear demolition project in particular could be found here:


Information on the 2002 Bali bombing where a 'micro-nuke' was used could be found here:


Information on the 1995 Oklahoma bombing where a 'mini-nuke was used could be found here:


Information on the 1998 Khobar Towers bombing where a 'mini-nuke' was used could be found here:


Some more web projects will be added to this list soon.

Contact information of the chief researcher - Mr. Dimitri A. Khalezov, in addition to that existing on the abovementioned web sites, could be found here:

http://www.dkhalezov.fromru.su and here: http://www.dkhalezov.com

Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions, suggestions and offers of cooperation, as well as to inform us if any of our web site has been removed or tampered with.

Funds are badly needed to keep things moving and the truth spreading.

Please, consider donating.


This page contains back-up links to all projects by "The Third Truth about 9/11 Foundation". | design@3truth911.com

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